After roses, chrysanthemums, carnations and tulips Gerbera Daisies are the fifth most significant cut flower in the world. Gerbera Daisies are fun and festive flowers and can often be found in bouquets and arrangements of wholesale flowers and wedding flowers. Bulk RosesWholesale lot comes in long stems and short stems with different head sizes and colors. The Gerbera Daisy represents happiness & friendship and these charismatic flowers can often be found blossoming in bouquets and arrangements of wedding flowers.
Daisies are fun, quirky flowers popular in all kinds of arrangements, from
birthdays to wedding decoration to showers! We offer Gerbera Daisies Wholesale Package in multiple sizes and a broad
variety of vivacious colors. Gerbera Daisies Wholesale lot comes in about 3.5
to 4 inches in diameter with stems measuring around 16 to 20 inches in length
some varieties are naturally larger/smaller than their counterparts. The
expected vase life is minimum 5 days.
Daisies are well known for their practically flawless blooms, they are
available year round. The large, intensely colored flowers make them perfect
for arrangements and they come in a variety of cool and festive colors. Since
flowers are a creation of Mother Nature and because of the variation in different
monitor resolutions, the precise color tones of this flower may differ to some
degree. Gerbera Daisies Wholesale package consists of hundred odd stems of pink
Gerbera Daisies cautiously packed and shipped to you. Gerbera Daisies have weak
stems and necks due to this reason they are often sold with clear plastic tubes
around their stems. Rest assured our Gerbera Daisies Wholesale Flowers will meet
your expectations perfectly.
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